Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Update 9 out of 23 things..

that makes 14 to go!!! learning along the way. Today the time to access the progress to date so far..BOORRRIIINNNGGG!! Yawn Yawn Yawn now!!
THING #1 read the 23 things blog and started on this journey!
THING #2 Listened to the power point presentation on life long learning..and survived!!!
THING #3 Set up my very own first ever amazing wonderful blog place here on the wonderful world of the internet ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the tuffest part was trying to find a bit of a creative name to choose..that maybe captured a bit of my personality as well. LibraryLunaSea was born.
THING #4 Register ur blog .. all done and listed on the BCPL participants page! hey..sum other library lunacy is there too! great minds think alike I guess!
THING #5 Explore Flickr.. yep even moved my pix from yahoo photos over and had a bit of a time getting that photo stream in a way that I was happy seeing the pix displayed when u log in. Still learning the little bits and tools on there but has a lot of flexiblity.
THING #6 Flicker fun..well still working on that one. I did try to understand just what a mash UP might be...thanks to a coworker I think I have a bit of a handle on it.
THING #7 technology related blog post..well thats on the to do list??? I promise I will complete asap.
THING #8 learn bout RSS feeds and set up blogline reader.. hummmmmmmmm ok got that done.. now sumthing else to tune into as I find more and more internet related time wasters to fill in more of my day...nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo says all in my family!! she already has an addiction--looking for rss feeds on online addiction now!!
THING #9 Locate a few useful library related blogs and or news feeds..well have a few from our participants page that I am rather impressed with. yes Doug!!! subscribe to library link of the day..shifted librarian, super patron.. so...
done with NINE!! yawn!!! nap time over.


Kate said...

Tag, you're it! See Library Lunacy's blog to find out more.
You are really creative, I want to create an avatar too.

Mystery Lover said...

I hope your blog coninues even after the 23 things!! It is awesome!